Tensor Network based approaches to Quantum Many-Body Systems

The aim of the school is to teach young PhD students the basics of tensor-product states as well as the most recent technical developments. This is particularly important given the increasing number of groups working on this quickly evolving topic. The lectures will be given by researchers who work actively both on the development and the application of tensor-product state based methods.

Topics include

  • Many-body entanglement
  • Matrix-product states
  • Projected entangled pair states
  • Multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz
  • Time-dependent variational principle
  • Tensor network renormalization
  • Bulk boundary correspondence
  • Tensor networks for finite temperatures and dynamics
  • Tensor networks as impurity solver for dynamical mean field

Invited Lecturers

Mari-Carmen Banuls (DE)
Philippe Corboz (NL)
Jutho Haegeman (BE)
Claudius Hubig (DE)
Corinna Kollath (DE)
David Pérez García (ES)
Steve White (US)

Dates 13 – 17 November 2018
Venue Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden.
Organized by Frank Pollmann, Norbert Schuch, Ulrich Schollwöck, Frank Verstraete
Register by 20 September at https://www.pks.mpg.de/tensor18/ (closed!)

Course material:

(0) Preparation (Steve White)

(1) Steve White

(2) Jutho Hageman

  • Tutorial : Time Dependent Variational Principle for Matrix-Product States,

(3) Philippe Corboz

  • Lecture Introduction to (i)PEPS & MERA

(4) Mari-Carmen Banuls

  • Lecture: Applying Matrix-Product States to Gauge Theories

(5) Claudius Hubig

  • Lecture: Global Symmetries in Tensor Networks